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Here are the top three beginner formations for eFootball 2024 mobile

The new season of eFootball 2024 mobile comes with improved graphics, features, and fresh player card designs. The community is buzzing to explore all the new features of Konami’s flagship title, and beginners are looking to start strong in the newly added cross-platform competitions.

For that reason, building a sturdy roster and using meta formations become a valuable element toward claiming victories. Konami has removed the playstyle proficiency mechanism, making formations the deciding factor in the fixtures.

This article will list the three best formations for beginners that will improve team cohesion and enhance gameplay in eFootball 2024 mobile.

Disclaimer: This article is based on the writer's opinions.

Most reliable formations in eFootball 2024 mobile


1) 4-3-3



4-3-3 is one of the most reliable formations in eFootball 2024 mobile because it utilizes every part of the pitch. During attacking build-ups, the wing-backs overlap the wingers, and the midfielders push up front. Subsequently, 4-3-3 makes pockets at various spaces, creating clear-cut chances for your striker to punish opponents.

Additionally, you can adopt a more defensive 4-2-3-1 formation while playing with a 4-3-3 structure. When you face against strong opponents, interchange the formation to the former to prevent trouble at the back.

Assign a box-to-box midfielder, a playmaker, and a ball-winning midfielder in the middle to switch formations without affecting gameplay. Declan Rice, Pedri, and Fede Valverde are suitable midfield options.

In this formation, two central defenders and two attacking wing-backs form the defense line, and one defensive midfielder (preferably a ball-winning midfielder) and two central midfielders play in the middle. Two wingers and one striker (preferably a target man or a deep-lying forward) take the mantle of scoring goals.

Check out the best legends in eFootball 2024 mobile to improve your roster.

2) 5-3-2



This formation in eFootball 2024 mobile is well-known for counter-attacking football. The two attacking wing-backs push forward to support the strikers while the midfielders fill the gaps behind during attacking build-ups. While defending, the defense line stretches out, and the midfielders provide low-block screening in front of the defense, preventing space in the final third.

5-3-2 is a fine choice to play defensively against strong opponents. For new players, this tactic is an effective way to maintain a clean sheet and secure victories in PvP matches.

You can use the Inter Milan and Manchester United club packs to play this formation due to the reliance of their tactics on quick counters. Players like Trent Alexander Arnold, Roberto Carlos, and Achraf Hakimi are viable options to put in the crucial wing-back role.

This formation has three central defenders (two ball-playing defenders and one stopper) and two attacking wing-backs. Meanwhile, one defensive midfielder and two central midfielders are vital in initiating quick counters, and two strikers up front are responsible for scoring goals.

3) 4-4-2



The roster of the beginners often contains a large number of midfielders and defenders. So, 4-4-2 is a feasible option for you in eFootball 2024 mobile. Beginners and veterans favor this formation due to its nature to control possession and move the ball diagonally in the midfield.

Several opponents use counter-attacking tactics that create spaces at the back line of your team, but the four midfielders on your team stay disciplined in the middle and leave no chance for any quick counter. Therefore, it is a formidable formation to use at the start of your journey.

The right and left midfielders move up and down the flanks as needed, supporting the attack by crossing the ball and helping the full-backs defend by dropping back. Your defense line comprises six defenders when the opponents are blazing toward your end of the pitch, while your attack gets the additional full-backs up front.

In this formation, two central defenders and two full-backs make up the defense line, while four midfielders play in the middle of the pitch. The two forwards up front are responsible for putting the ball at the back of your opponent’s net.

Thus, our foray into the best formations for beginners in eFootball 2024 mobile has concluded. Check out how to collect coins to buy suitable players for these formations.

Edited by Angad Sharma

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Author: Chris Atkinson

Last Updated: 1702939441

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Name: Chris Atkinson

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Introduction: My name is Chris Atkinson, I am a vivid, bold, resolved, variegated, apt, candid, unwavering person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.